Ok,Guys many new bloggers are asking Questions what is
Is backlink is important for blogging? etc. So,let me show
you what
actually backlink is
Backlink are the links that link your blog to others
Lets say You write a Quality article about something and
having a similar blog links to your blog.
So, the more backlink you can get to your website the more
google sees is your website be.
for example "Click Here to Go to this website".
Now, "Why Backliink is Important?"
Well, this thing "Backlinks" are very important
for your blog in
google page rank because google sees this as a vote more the
links to your webpage more will be the chance to increase
your rank.
And most Important think,Google not only sees how many
people links
to your website they also how many of them are of good
For example, if your webpage rank is pr3 and a webpage of
pr5 rank
links to you this will be more good for you rather than pr2
or pr1.
So, Backlink is One of major factor in SEO to Get your page
on the top
of the Google Search Engine.
Now, "How to build backlinks?"
Well,Many of you knows what the backlink is but all of you
wants to
know how to build backlinks.There are three ways to get
1- Article Directories: Articles are the sites where you
submit your
article and links your site at the end of the article which
one backlink for you.
2-Forum: Posting your articles or content on forums creates
for you if these forums are of a good quality.
3-Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing is one of the
major factor
to build traffic and create maximum backlinks for you but
sometimes it
really gets expensive for you.
So, in this article i have described you about
"What is Backlink?"
"Why Backlink is Important for you ?"
"How to build backlinks?"
Note: There is one thing that will click everyone’s mind i.e.
Exchnage". Well, Always try to avoid link exchange
because this could
be the main reason of getting ban from the search engine.
-Take of the ratio between outbound and inbound links.